Encouraging on World Pulse: Help your community feel heard and seen.

Engaging with Stories with Sensitive Content

Use this article as guidance while responding to stories with sensitive content

Written by World Pulse
Updated 11 months ago
Written by Community Moderator
Updated 2 years ago

How do I earn an Encourager badge?

Looking for a way to impact women around the globe from your living room? Comments are the first step on World Pulse to make a connection and show support for one another.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 2 years ago
Written by Community Moderator
Updated 7 months ago

How do I welcome new members on World Pulse?

You can do your part to ensure that every new voice on World Pulse is warmly welcomed with a surge of worldwide supportive greetings.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 11 months ago

Story Awards and Storytelling Badges

Do you have tips for sharing my story?

Need help getting started? Looking for tips on what World Pulse highlights most frequently? Here are some questions to help guide you.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 7 months ago

Are Story Awards part of World Pulse's Leadership Badges?

Story Awards are just one way World Pulse recognizes community involvement.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 2 years ago

Who should I contact if I have more questions about Story Awards?

Get in touch with World Pulse to find out more specifics about Story Awards.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 2 years ago

Is there any risk in sharing my story publicly?

Each person's environment is different, and World Pulse invites you to share only what you think is appropriate for your situation.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 1 year ago

How do I earn a Featured Storyteller badge?

Featured Storytellers have been awarded a Story Award for a story they shared on World Pulse.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 1 year ago
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How are Featured Initiative Awards Selected?

See more about our decision-making process and what we're looking for.

Written by Community Moderator
Updated 9 months ago

What are Featured Initiative Awards?

Learn more about featured initiative awards and how you can submit your initiative to be considered for an award.

Written by Community Moderator
Updated 7 months ago

Changemaking on World Pulse: Be a force for good.

How do I find a mentor on World Pulse?

Are you interested in being matched with a World Pulse Community Mentor? We are here to support you along your journey.

Written by World
Updated 1 year ago

How do I become a Changemaker on World Pulse?

World Pulse Changemakers are grassroots leaders working to transform their communities.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 2 months ago

Mentoring on World Pulse: Strive for growth.

Complete your Mentoring Profile on WorldPulse.org

World Pulse Community Mentors can be matched with Changemaker mentees once they complete their mentoring profile on the website.

Written by World
Updated 1 year ago

What if I don’t get along with my Mentee or Mentor?

When personalities clash, World Pulse is here to help.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 1 year ago

What is the World Pulse Community Mentoring Program?

Our members have driven the initiative to mentor Changemakers and Storytellers in need of guidance, and we're all for it.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 1 year ago

What if my Mentee wants to change who they are matched with?

While we make every attempt to match preferences, sometimes it doesn't work out.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 1 year ago

Does everyone who applies to be a Mentor get selected?

Some Mentors inevitably are not selected for their round.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 1 year ago
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Digital Ambassadors on World Pulse: Lift the voices of women and girls worldwide.

What is required of World Pulse Digital Ambassadors?

Community training, transparency and feedback are essential parts of being a World Pulse Digital Ambassador.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 7 months ago

What is the World Pulse Digital Ambassador Program?

The Digital Ambassador Program provides additional leadership to members who are invested in their World Pulse community.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 2 years ago

How long is the Digital Ambassador commitment?

One year is the standard commitment for Digital Ambassadors.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 2 years ago

Can a Digital Ambassador participate in other World Pulse programs?

Complete involvement is always encouraged from Digital Ambassadors.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 2 years ago

Do I have to be a woman to participate in the Digital Ambassador Program?

Representation matters, and at this time women and non-binary leaders are at the forefront of World Pulse's leadership opportunities.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 2 years ago
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Additional articles

Can I hold multiple leadership badges at once?

Yes! There is no limit to the number of badges you can hold. You can take also pause, take time away and come back as needed.

Written by World Pulse
Updated 2 years ago

Which badges on World Pulse include financial incentives?

The leadership programs on World Pulse come with many benefits. Some of them include small financial incentives.

Written by World
Updated 2 years ago