Is there a Zoom link set up that we can use?

World Pulse can help set up a link, or you can sign up for Zoom and start your own link.
Written by World Pulse
Updated 1 year ago

Zoom is a free (paid upgrade) video conferencing platform that has a lot of interesting features to facilitate conversation. You can sign up to use Zoom for free here.

The World Pulse Mentoring team can also get you set up with a Zoom link to use during the six months of the program with your Mentor or Mentee. Reach out to us using the orange chat bubble on the website for more support on this. 

Tips for Virtual Calls:

1. Use a time-zone converter to ensure that you and your mentor/mentee don't miss any call due to scheduling errors! 

2. You can enable captioning so that you can follow the conversation and also meet any accessibility requirements.

3. Make sure to log in 5-10 minutes early to sort out any technical issues that may come up. 

4. Use earphones or headphones for a better audio experience. 

5. Sit in a quiet room with adequate lighting so that your audio and video quality will be better. 

6. Use the chat or notes feature to take any notes and jot down important things you may want to remember after the call. 

7. An alternative to Zoom is Google Meet. G-Meet is a free platform that offers good connection even with poor Internet, but it has fewer features than Zoom. 

8. In case of low connectivity and bandwidth, you can use Whatsapp calls. 

Related articles:
World Pulse Mentoring Program FAQs 

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