How do I become a Changemaker on World Pulse?

World Pulse Changemakers are grassroots leaders working to transform their communities.
Written by World Pulse
Updated 9 months ago

Around the world, women are creating change. Whether it’s through tech and social innovations, advocacy campaigns, speaking out on issues to raise awareness, peacebuilding efforts, training activities, capacity building, entrepreneurship, and more — women are spearheading efforts to change the world: one person, one community, one country, one region at a time. 

A Changemaker is anyone who has launched an Impact Dashboard on World Pulse. This will make them eligible for opportunities such as the Mentoring Program. Based on their engagement and activity on World Pulse, they can also be invited to issue-focused convenings for collective action.

Who is a Changemaker?

World Pulse Changemakers are leaders who:

  • Are running transformative initiatives and advocacy campaigns.
  • Have set up an Initiative on the World Pulse platform. 
  • Abide by our community guidelines

How can I become a Changemaker?

Set up your Initiative on your World Pulse profile describing your initiative and stating clear goals. You can keep the World Pulse community updated on the status of your initiative by posting Initiative updates. Once you post your first Initiative update stating the number of people you have impacted, your Impact Dashboard will be activated and will be shown in your profile. 

For both your Initiative and your Initiative updates, keep in mind that it doesn’t matter if you’re still in the ideation phase. Use this feature to let your World Pulse sisters know about your vision and your plans. You can even ask them for advice. 

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