What if I don't know how to respond to a post that I read?

Written by Community Moderator
Updated 8 months ago

You can skip the post, or refer to our response guide:

  • Share what resonated with you. If specific aspects of a post resonated with you, point them out to the storyteller.
  • Personalize your comments. Use the storyteller’s name and, when it makes sense, sharing your own related experience.
  • Encourage solutions. If the storyteller has brought up an issue, consider asking what she thinks are possible solutions. Help her see that she is the expert on her own situation.
  • Reflect and research. Some stories may benefit from taking time to think about before responding. Before commenting, do some research on the issue presented.
  • Focus on the content. World Pulse members live all over the world and have different customs for use of the English language. With that in mind, avoid commenting on word choice, and instead focus on the content of each woman’s story.

Read more on engaging with stories with sensitive content here.

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