Which badges on World Pulse include financial incentives?

The leadership programs on World Pulse come with many benefits. Some of them include small financial incentives.
Written by World
Updated 3 years ago
  • Featured Storytellers receive a $100 to $300 US honorarium upon publication. 
  • World Pulse Voices Rising Awards and World Pulse Spirit Awards include honorariums of varying amounts. These awards happen annually around International Women’s Day in March.
  • Digital Ambassadors may request $100 US to $500 US to cover costs related to World Pulse training events. These amounts will be awarded as funding  available throughout the year. 
  • World Pulse members who are invited to share their stories at partner events or World Pulse events are given honorariums of $100 to $200 US (depending on the event) for their time.
  • Additionally, World Pulse gives honorariums for certain advisory roles and opportunities upon invitation. 
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