How do I report problems with the World Pulse website?

Please note that the World Pulse platform update is still in Beta.  During this stage, bugs or issues may occur. As a community member, you have an important role to play. Explore the updated site and see how you’re liking the new experience!
Written by World Pulse
Updated 1 year ago

If you run into bugs, you can report them to the team by clicking on the “Found a bug?” link in the top right corner of your screen. 

Once you click "Found a bug?" you will have the option to select:

Report a bug: Let us know what is broken

Pick this option if:

  • You are getting an error message.
  • Something isn't working the way it is supposed to.
  • Your stories or profile page are missing content that should be there.

General Feedback: Give us general feedback on this page

Pick this option if:

  • You don't like the way the page looks or operates.
  • You think a button should be located in a different location.
  • You see any other opportunity for improving the way any element of the website is working.

Whichever option you select, you will have a chance to tell us more. Fill in a descriptive title and tell us everything you are noticing in the "description" field. Select Submit feedback to send a message directly to the World Pulse team.

Thank you for taking the time to share feedback with us! Together we will make the World Pulse website stronger and more impactful!

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