How do I add a new resource?

World Pulse offers resources, training and tools as part of our help desk. You're welcome to suggest new resources at anytime!
Written by World
Updated 3 years ago

World Pulse welcomes the suggestion of new resources! Read the criteria below see if your resource is eligible for inclusion:

  • Will the resource be useful to the general World Pulse audience? Are a variety of worldwide users eligible to apply or access this information? 
  • Is the resource available for an open period of time? Do users have ample time to apply for or access this information?
  • Is the resource, information or opportunity open source, free, or easily accessible?

If the answer to those questions is yes or mostly yes, we want to hear about it!

Please share a resource with our team by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the chat icon in the bottom of the screen.
  2. Let the Helpdesk team know you have a resource to share. Be sure to give us a little bit of background about why you think it will be relevant to the World Pulse community.
  3. Share the link to find out more details.

Thanks for contributing to our growing list of resources!

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