Where do I find resources for basic digital skills?

World Pulse recommends these resources for getting started with basic digital skills.
Written by World Pulse
Updated 10 months ago

World Pulse Digital Empowerment Training Suite

Take the training on 'Basic Digital Skills'. Read more about the World Pulse Digital Empowerment Training Suite here

30 Computer Terms Every Beginner Should Know

A glossary of 30 commonly-encountered tech words with basic definitions that anyone can understand.

Create and maintain strong passwords

The most important strategy is to make passwords that are long, random, and unique. To do this correctly, you will need to use a secure password manager. It is also important to set up multi-factor authentication whenever possible.


A Beginner’s Guide to Microsoft Word 

Secondary Microsoft Word Tutorial

Top 15 Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks

Browser Basics

Safe Web Surfing

Online Courses

The complete guide to digital skills from Future Learn

Basic digital skills from homuork

Learn Computer Skills: Basic to Advanced Tools for Improving Your Digital Literacy from Arapahoe Libraries

The Comprehensive List of Digital Skills Students Need from Learning.com

Essential digital skills from Turas


Android for beginners: Tips and tricks for your new smartphone

A list of tips and tricks on how to start out with an Android smartphone, aimed at first-time users and beginners.

iPhone: The complete beginners guide

An in-depth video guide to iPhones starting with 10 and above, aimed at brand new users and beginners.

Windows 10: Beginners guide

A video to help you navigate Windows 10.

Essential Google tricks for research

This video covers the four most essential search operators and provides examples for how they can help narrow down your results to sources that'll be most helpful. From Common Sense Education.

Mac Tutorial for Beginners and Windows Users

A complete beginner's guide video tutorial to the MacOS operating system, especially targeted toward people new to Mac or long-time Windows users.

Additional Reading

Basic Digital Skills from Community Gateway

Digital Skills Courses from Supporting Communities 

Understanding and Measuring Essential Digital Skills from Digital Participation Charter

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